
Classical Ghost complete application skill 20

After the person of DOS for parameter , not strange many programs under DOS have parameter , though being dull English letter, but function is very powerful. Ghost is the DOS program of a typical case that supports parameter , uses its parameter fully, we may control Ghost better. Let them work better for us, some preceding examples, we have used the parameter of Ghost , have made a automatic spare and recovery the data of hard disk since start compact disk. Is just because Ghost parameter is numerous, function is powerful, we are just necessary some most the most general parameter lists , let all refer to use normally.

銆€銆€It is

Parameter( Parameter) are program offers to us some hide to choose item , it can not be realized or can realize that through adding parameter, realizing start program normally, but need the function that many steps can just realize , may bring many conveniences to us.

Between parameter and

We may write in the parameter of Ghost somewhat BAT

銆€銆€1. Magnetic

Graph interface: Disk

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=copy, src=1, dst=2-sure-fx

Parameter function: Copy all contents

銆€銆€2. Become all content

Graph interface: Disk

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=dump, src=1, dst=d: \ Win98sys.gho-z3-sure-fx

Parameter function: All contents on the first piece of spare machine hard disk go to another d of hard disk: \ Win98sys, gho file medium-high compression need not be inquired , after being completed , quit Ghost.

銆€銆€3. From the reflection

Graph interface: Disk

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=load, src=d: \ Win98sys.gho,

Parameter function: From spare when another piece d of hard disk:

銆€銆€4. Zone binary

Graph interface: Partition To

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=pcopy, src=1: 1, dst=2:

Parameter function: Copy all content on the first piece

銆€銆€5. Become zone

Graph interface: Partition

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=pdump, src=1: 1, dst=d: \ Win98sys.gho-z9-sure-fx

Parameter function: The first piece of spare first zone of
6. From the reflection

Graph interface: Partition

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=pload, src=d: \ Win98sys.gho: 1,

Parameter function: D: \ Win98sys stores clone on the first zone

銆€銆€7. Parallel port cable

Graph interface:

Parameter example:

Parameter function: Start client

銆€銆€8. Parallel port

Graph interface:

Parameter example: Ghost-lpm-clone, mode=dump, src=1, dst=c: \ Win98sys.gho-sure-fx

Parameter function: Go to the content spare on the first piece

銆€銆€9. Directly

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=copy, src=1,

Parameter function: In the first piece

銆€銆€10. Network

Parameter example: Ghost-nbm-clone, mode=dump, src=2, dst=c:

Parameter function: By NetBIOS pattern joins to is carrying out the network long-range personal computer of ghost \ slave and spare machine second piece hard disk goes to long-range C of hard disk: \ xxxx and gho reduce file a reflection.

銆€銆€It is

This long-range client computer

銆€銆€11. Clone reflection

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=load, src=e: \

Parameter function: Read in E: \ SAVEDSK,

銆€銆€12. Will second zone

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=pdump, src=1: 2, dst=g:

Parameter function: The second zone of the

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=pload, src=g: Imgs part2.gho:

Parameter function: Year is entered (

銆€銆€13. Different

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=pcopy, src=1:

Parameter function: The second

銆€銆€14. Restore second

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=load, src=g: Imgs 2prtdisk.gho, dst=2, sze1=60P,

Parameter function: Clone g: Imgs 2 prtdisk, gho reflection
15. Restore the first

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=load, src=e: Imgs 3prtdisk.gho, dst=1, the m of sze1=450,

Parameter function: Clone e: Imgs 3 prtdisk, gho reflection file goes to the first

銆€銆€16. Retain first

Parameter example:

Parameter function: It does not be distributed that copy has the first piece of hard disk of 3 zones to second piece hard disk and maintains the surplus space reservation that zone leaves first with source big and small identical but other zones.

銆€銆€17. Restore final zone

Parameter example: Ghost-clone, mode=load, src=g: Imgs 2prtdisk.gho,

Parameter function: Year values its big and

銆€銆€18. From parameter

Parameter example: GHOST.EXE@(

Parameter function: It may read to take and

銆€銆€It is

In parameter file, compiling with text form to contain

銆€銆€19. Spare is

Parameter example: Ghost-sure-clone, mode=pdump, src=1: 1, dst=system.gho-span-split=630

Parameter function: Its role is system of taking off the first zone message spare of the first piece of hard disk to current file, in gho, can cut the GHO file of generation apart if gho and system of generation are larger than 630MB, this parameter when the zone with big spare, record their temperature CD - R of 650 MB goes up is very useful.

銆€銆€20. Spare

Parameter example: Ghost-sure-pwd, 666888-clone, mode=pdump, src=1: 1,

Parameter function: The role of this sentence is system of taking off the first zone message spare of the first piece of hard disk to current file, in gho and with 666.888 thousand, is the password of GHO file after generates in order to encrypt. Afterwards, recover system with Ghost, gho file, or coming with Ghost Explorer must input password when releasing the file in which , can not recover or release file otherwise , so have played the part of the role of keeping secret. If input ghost-sure-pwd-clone, mode=pdump and src=1: 1, dst=system.gho does not bring password behind - pwd , can inquire the password of user encryption GHO before Ghost makes GHO file , you must remember jail. It is rear that giving GHO file encrypt , others can not look over or recover our file at will
